Interconnected in Culture for a Stronger Ecosystem

Network of Digital Arts

Network of Digital Arts

Digital Art Network Alliance is composed of:

Atabet Fann + Art to Heart + Shaghaf for Digital Expression.

Digital Arts Network is an alliance of three Palestinian organisations working in the arts and culture sector: Atabet Fann, Shagaf for Digital Expression and Art to Heart. In the short term, the Alliance aims to establish a “Digital Arts Network” by developing the capacities and infrastructure of the partners in areas related digital arts. Through a participatory approach, the Alliance will analyse the needs of its potential target audiences and develop a sustainable cross-institutional collaborative model capable of contributing to the social and economic development with focus on enhancing the role of cultural economy in Palestine.

On the long run, the Alliance will contribute to the social change and economic development by influencing policies and legislations related to creative industries in Palestine; supporting a creative digital eco-system that empowers independent artists, builds capacities, and creates new cross-border income-generating opportunities, particularly for marginalised groups including persons with disabilities, women and youth.

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