Interconnected in Culture for a Stronger Ecosystem



SHOBBAK alliance is composed of: 

Société AKACIA PRODUCTIONS + Association Al Badil + CHRITA.

The alliance between AKACIA, AL-Badil, & CHRITA came into realization by complementing the capacities of each other and adopting a unified vision based on values of solidarity, accompaniment and participation to achieve a cultural renaissance in Tunisia.

This project aims to democratise access to culture by focusing on the dynamic between cultural professionals, associations, and young activists through mapping activities, capacity building, and creation of synergies for cultural actors. The Shobbek alliance will adopt a participatory approach of decentralisation, inclusion and integration.

To achieve a long-term impact. The 2 year collaborative project will focus on “pilot” regions, chosen on the basis of a qualitative study carried out on 17 Tunisian governorates with festival directors and officials attached to the Tunisian Ministry of Cultural Affairs.

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