Interconnected in Culture for a Stronger Ecosystem




Setting up a knowledge-share platform that valorises the improvement of the existing built environment within a framework of equity and sustainability for the benefit of the disenfranchised to enable them to benefit from the resources of the built environment; whether heritage, natural, environmental, social, economic and real estate assets, and to stop the loss of environmental and heritage assets. This inter-disciplinary regional platform builds on the experience of its founders in urban development, heritage management and urban studies in Egypt to teach and exchange knowledge both through academic formats and through internships. The preparatory phase analyses needs and gaps, maps stakeholders, evaluates resources, and sets the legal and management framework, the institutional structure and phasing and the pedagogical and training framework. It develops an online platform and website, prepares training toolboxes and organises consultation and knowledge-share activities to widen the platform’s network and develop and test teaching material.

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