Interconnected in Culture for a Stronger Ecosystem

Sociology of Folk Festivals: Art and Domination in Egypt

Implemented by: Mohamed Ramadan

City: Cairo, Egypt

Sociology of Folk Festivals: Art and Domination in Egypt

Mohamed Ramadan is an economist and translator who is currently working as a freelance economic researcher, focusing on the economic inequalities and their relationship to multidimensional poverty. He has worked in numerous human rights research and defense institutions and has participated in the writing of research books published by the Arab Forum.

The research project will focus on the music of popular festivals in Egypt over the past ten years and tackle the phenomenon of “popular festivals” through three main approaches: artistic, economic and political; and social and anthropological approach. The work includes documentary research, workshops with specialists to study the information collected and internal seminars. The team will make several field visits for observation in order to identify the interaction between the producer and the consumer. The research will result in the publication of a book, presenting this phenomenon in an original and detailed way.

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