RCTH: Community Enrichment by Reviving the Crafts and Tangible Heritage of Jordanian Cities
Implemented by: Mazen Alali
City: Amman, Jordan
Implemented by: Bahaleen
City: Amman - Um Qais – Zarqa - Aqaba, Jordan
Bahaleen is a research group concerned with the twisted and bent conditions of arts practice in Jordan and the region. Bahaleen aims to be a constellation of acts, projects and productions. Bringing together artists, researchers and collectives, Bahaleen intends to investigate the socio-political histories and emancipatory potentials of art practices and experimenting with alternative forms of coming together.
“Fruits of Barzakh” is a roaming residency exploring notions of temporality in Jordan. Engaging with themes of relocation, movement and dwelling, the residency seeks narratives and contexts often associated with pending states and states that are pending. The residency kicks-off in Um Qais, confronted by rude borders, uncovering how contested lands are borrowed and leased, and how water is managed and who owns water sources. Next to the only coastal city in Jordan, Aqaba. Hibernating in it’s off season, Aqaba is also subject to contested tourism, where foreign funding runs amiss and free economic zones are not free. Finally, to Zarqa in search for its depleted river, exploring the permanence of its refugee camps and migrant labor. The project will culminate in a publication titled Fruits of Barzakh.
Implemented by: Mazen Alali
City: Amman, Jordan
Implemented by: Dalal Mitwally
City: Amman, Jordan
Implemented by: Haven For Artists
City: Beirut, Lebanon