RCTH: Community Enrichment by Reviving the Crafts and Tangible Heritage of Jordanian Cities
Implemented by: Mazen Alali
City: Amman, Jordan
Implemented by: Ikram Hamdi Mansour
City: Algiers-Timimoun, Algeria
Ikram Hamdi Mansour is an eco-architect and cultural manager who is interested in eco-psychology. She founded Tumast, an interdisciplinary ecological and cultural laboratory that brings together architects, artists, designers, artisans, researchers and community organisations. Her goal is to initiate artistic, architectural and urban projects in order to experience a new way of living the space, the city and the territories.
Timimoun is located in the Sahara and includes an oasis. It’s very rich in history but the town is unfortunately experiencing environmental, social and cultural degradation. The project is called « Rahba » which means a meeting place, community life. The architect wants to reinforce the link between the inhabitants and their environment, she will create an interactive and storytelling map, which is used to represent the data collected during the research through active development of six criteria: cognitive, emotional, philosophical, experiential, material and spiritual. She would like also to explore the notion of “Rahba” by developing an “eco theatre” play, creating, writing and staging with the inhabitants who will also be the actors in order to bring the community together and strengthen the feeling of belonging.
Her main goal is to promote physical, mental and social well-being by connecting human’s consciousness to nature’s wisdom through art and to create a dialogue between residents, civil society and public authorities.
Implemented by: Mazen Alali
City: Amman, Jordan
Implemented by: Dalal Mitwally
City: Amman, Jordan
Implemented by: Bahaleen
City: Amman - Um Qais – Zarqa - Aqaba, Jordan