Interconnected in Culture for a Stronger Ecosystem

The Placeless Academy

The Placeless Academy

The «Placeless Academy» Thoulathy³ is composed of:

MAMMA (Morocco) + Tajarrod Architecture and Art Foundation (Libya) + Philomena+ (Austria)

This project is a platform that aims to question, analyse, and critique the legacy of modern architecture and art in the MENA region in order to produce alternative critical discourse beyond the Western line of thought. By supporting architects and artists in Libya and Morocco particularly, with the needed critical tools, methodologies, and knowledge, and by engaging them in an international interdisciplinary dialogue in Austria, where they can exchange learning with other intellectuals, architects, artists, and educators. The project platform would be a catalyst for such an exchange in two main axes:

  1. Understanding the heritage and built environment during the Twentieth century in Morocco and Libya.
  2. Critical thinking: what is the standpoint regarding modern heritage’s future.

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Fear as an artistic statement- collaborating hub for contemporary dance and performance

Fear as an artistic statement- collaborating hub for contemporary dance and performance