Interconnected in Culture for a Stronger Ecosystem

Arab Science Fiction VR Lab

Arab Science Fiction VR Lab

The «Arab Science Fiction VR Lab» Thoulathy³ is composed of: 

Flyer srl impresa sociale (Italy) + Visual Arts Forum (Palestine) + Medrar for Contemporary Art (Egypt) 

As we shift from the world of magic to the realm of science fiction in the 1950s, in Egypt, writers and filmmakers alike begin to imagine new ways and places to be. From Tawfik Al Hakim’s plays entitled ‘Lunar Report’ and ‘A Poet on the Moon’ to Journey to the Moon directed by Hamada Abdel Wahab, an interest in imagining other worlds through narratives of moon exploration grew. The latter movement and the entire sector of arts and culture were deeply impacted by the socio-economic and political transformations the country suffered since the defeat of 1967. Today, having access to more technological innovations and tools, a desire and need to reconnect with the present moment and imagine or potentially produce alternative worlds reemerges. Medrar for Contemporary Art (Egypt), the Visual Arts Forum (Palestine) and Flyer (Italy) invite artists to reflect on the current socio-economic contexts and build VR artworks that embody conceptions of a future that goes beyond the colonization of distant planets. The lab is also an invitation to dig deeper into the relationship between the literary form and virtual reality as a way to expand our imaginations of what lived realities are and could be. How could the future look, sound, or feel if we remain in the same space?

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