Interconnected in Culture for a Stronger Ecosystem

Mentorship kick-off as part of the Cultural Alliances component

Start Date: 2022-01-25

End Date: 2022-01-26


Mentorship kick-off as part of the Cultural Alliances component

As part of the Cultural Alliances component that supports 12 Cultural Alliances consisting of 36 cultural entities who seek to strengthen their adaptive capacities and to engage in setting up collaborations with the aim to enhance the cultural ecosystem and to facilitate and increase access to culture within their contexts, 12 mentors from the Arab region have been selected to accompany the alliances in their two years journey within the programme by:

  • Providing the needed guidance to ensure the growth and resilience of the Alliance and its respective entities by achieving the goals set out in their concept note;
  • Supporting the Alliance in strengthening its ecosystem by providing facilitation to identify the gaps and opportunities; 
  • Following up with each entity on the institutional development needs they have identified.

A mentors orientation session was organized on  25 and 26 January, 2022 with the aim to provide guidance to the participating mentors by sharing best practices and tools that enable them to fulfill their responsibility by providing a strategic overview of the goals and objectives of the mentorship, defining and introducing the core skills needed for mentoring and sharing a toolbox and guidelines that can facilitate their work.

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